Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hey guys,
So we are staying in a church tonight. The people out here are incredibly nice, it is very refreshing to see. Earlier today this older couple paid for our lunch after we talked with them for a while, a couple weeks ago a elderly man offered to put us up for the night (which we had to decline because we needed to make 40 more miles) and this old lady named Milly gave us $20 emergency money in case we ever needed it. Ever sense then we leave a little extra cash in a safe place and refer to it as "Milly Money"
The Church that we a re staying at is set up for biker just like me, with a shower, computer, kitchen and everything. Today we covered 80 miles and went over two passes. The land around here is amazing, just the amount our surroundings have changed in only a couple day is mind blowing. We went from very dense forest with tons of cold rain to a high desert that is very dry. There are huge buttes and caverns that have been formed from lava flow, earth quakes and water. Tomorrow we are planning on going out to dig for fossils at a local dig site, which should be rather exciting. Well we are almost done with Oregon, and then it is on to Idaho. Good night everyone.


Leif Nabil said...

I hope you're taking pictures!

Physics Demo Dave said...

Hey Ben,

Sounds like you are making great progress. I hope you get to stop at the Tetons or Yellowstone on your way out of Idaho and into Montana. I remember driving through Idaho, it was nothing but hills, mountains and forests! Beautiful, though.

